Darryl Rogers TAS
What was the inspiration behind the piece that is a part of the SWELL Sculpture Festival 2021?
I have been experimenting with sculptural augmented reality for a few years now. I’ve placed work in a geo location sense all over the world. I once placed an animated thylacine (Tasmanian Tiger) in Times Square. With the development of more sophisticated apps I started to explore the idea of space ships arriving on earth and it made me consider how this is much like how it was for First Nations people to see boats arriving at their shores not that long ago.
Do you follow a process or plan for each new piece or do you ‘wing it’?
It’s sort of half and half, sometimes I just like exploring new 3D shapes in AR and other times I ask a question as a ‘what if?’.
Would you describe your artistic journey as a slow burn or a wild ride?
I’ve come to the artist thing late in life, having run design and production companies working in the museum and film industries. So the last 10 years has been a wild ride but extremely rewarding.
Can you tell us a little bit more about how you became the artist that you are today?
It was always my dream to become an artist even as a boy but it took 30 plus years in a round about way.
Describe your ideal environment where your creative juices flow?
I love collaborating and on this work I have brought my nephew onboard to create the soundtrack. We have worked together on other projects but this will be special.
Is there an artist or body of work that you would consider your muse?
I’m a devotee of Bill Viola the preeminent video artist in the world.
If you had to choose 3 words to describe your artistic style, what would they be?
Questioning matter in pursuit of truth
Beyond SWELL 2021, is there a forthcoming project you are most excited about?
I’ve just completed a 14 screen work collaboration with 2 palawa artists (Tasmanian Aboriginal) and I’m working on a major palawa dance project creating AR and immersive components to the work.
What does exhibiting in SWELL 2021 mean to you?
It’s exciting to see how this work as AR will be received and understood.
Is there anything you do to continue developing as an artist? Would you describe yourself as self-taught or formally educated in your practice?
I started at art college had a career as a producer and then went back to art college and got a couple of degrees.
Do you have a must visit location for someone visiting the Gold Coast?
What book are you reading at the moment?
Francis Bacon.
What best describes your creative space; organised or chaotic?
The Author
Courtney Stephens is an emerging creative event producer based in Tweed Heads. After a successful career as a Practice Manager, her passion for the creative arts industry has led her to study a Bachelor of Business in Convention and Event Management. She hopes to balance her love for the arts, culture and nature with her strengths in communication and management to create community based events.