SWELL 2024 is excited to once again be presenting SWELL Kids Elements, an area for children to immerse themselves in the creative culture of sculpture. SWELL Kids Elements will operate alongside the main exhibition from 6 – 15 September 2024 in the Wallace Nicholl Park, Currumbin Beach.
SWELL School Workshops will be held in pop up studios onsite, the workshop facilitators include artists who are exhibiting in SWELL 2024. The children who participate in the workshops will be able to create their own artworks and make the connection between the exhibiting artist who is teaching them and their large-scale sculpture featuring in the SWELL Sculpture Festival 2024 exhibition. Workshops are targeted to year levels 3 – 8, however can be altered for senior students to include a curated sculpture tour.
Workshop times are 10AM, 11AM and 1PM on Friday 6, and daily from Monday 9 – Friday 13. Workshops run for 40 minutes and the layout is 6 workshops per day with 25 students per workshop approximately. Many schools book out a full day of workshops (150pax) and then walk amongst the sculptures once the workshops are finished. The cost is $20 per student including GST. Use the online booking form to indicate what dates and times best suit your school.
Make a Cityscape Planter with Monte Lupo
Students are invited to explore the relationship between their built environment and natural surroundings by designing and painting a personalised cityscape planter. Through this creative process, students will engage in conversations about sustainability, considering how urban planning can harmoniously integrate with nature. This workshop encourages thoughtful discussion about the balance between development and conservation, promoting a sustainable future for our cities.
City Silhouettes with Chainsaw Newton
Students will use timber offcuts to craft a unique urban landscape, designing, painting, gluing, and drawing to bring their city to life. Reflecting on their own living environments, students will consider what their surroundings might look like in the future. This workshop encourages conversations about the balance between natural and urban environments, fostering awareness and discussion about sustainable urban development and environmental conservation.
IMAGES Leximagery, Sussie Darton, Room4Graphics